Welcome to the most Hardcore Backyard Federation in the Buffalo New York Area. This site will be updated at least three times a week. And a newsletter will go out to suscribers (suscribe for FREE!! in the Contact section of this site) every other day. The pics section will be updated every Tuesday with the latest pics from our monthly Pay Per Views and Sunday Night Warzone venues.
Welcome again to HCW's Official site. For info on our Fed scroll down a bit and also check out the pics in the pics section. ENJOY!!!
The HCW started off in 1994 in the city of Buffalo, New York. We were a small backyard wrestling federation, but now we have grown into one of the most hardcore federation around. We wrestle everywhere. From houses to garages and even boiler rooms. Our ring is a trampoline. Your probably saying that a trampoline isn't hardcore at all. Well your wrong. We use anything we can get our hands on like tables, toilet seats, cookie sheets, kindu sticks, glass, steel chairs, ladders, florecent lightbulbs (OUCH!), trash cans, cd cases, cheese graders and much much more. We also have a wide range of match types like ladder matches, table matches, glass matches, chair matches, and boiler room brawls. Don't believe a word I said? Then go on over to the pics section and find out the truth. One more thing, all are matches aren't hardcore. We know what the people like so we still use the submissions, moves, holds, and high flying manuvers. All of this makes up what we do and love, Hard Core Wrestling.
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5-19-03 After three long years, the HCW is coming back!!! Yes, you heard right. Starting in just under amonth the site will come back with cimpletely updated information that you can't afford to miss and our first show will be HCW Revolutions in mid-JUNE!!! More information is available in the HCW Revolutions Section of the site.
6-29-00 HCW Cold Blooded 2K was an amazing PPV. Go to the results section for what happened because we have a new HCW Champion The Hardcore Hitman, we also have a new Eurapean champ Woody Boner. Also check out to see what happened to Big Nasty in the Chair Match because it is pretty damn amazing and hardcore! See all this and more in the PPV Resutls Section.
6-26-00 A rain delay canceled Cold Blooded 2K, but the PPV has been rescheduled for Wednesday. It's gunna be out of control, so check out the pics and results on friday. Lata
6-21-00 HCW's Cold Blooded 2K will be this Thursaday, TOMORROW. It's gunna be an awsome show, and also check the Cold Blooded 2K section for more details.
6-11-00 Sorry for not updating last week, but now we have had two more Sunday Night Warzon's and the results are up, pics will be here tuesday or Wednesday, and new matches have been added to the Cold Blooded 2K. 6-2-00 After 2 weeks of rain delays, the second Sunday Night warzone of the year will be this weekend (probably tomorrow look for pics and results on Tuesday
5-11-00 The pics are finally up and since this Sunday is Mother's Day, we won't have a Warzone this week. Come back soon to check the matches for the next Warzone on Sunday May 21. lata
5-6-00 Tonight's Sunday Night Warzone results are up! It was the best show HCW ever did. Escpecially the tag team ladder match! Go to the pics section to see what happened! The film won't be developed until Tuesday for some reason cause Walgreens sux. As soon as i get the pic's i'll put em up here on the page.
5-5-00 There is rain in the forcast for Sunday, so HCW Sunday Night Warzone will be done TOMORROW!!!!! The tables and weapons are all ready so look for pics on Saturday NIGHT!!!!!! Lata all
4-30-00 Seven more days until the first HCW Sunday Night Warzone of the year! The matches have started forming. Other than the funeral and the tag team title match, there will be a tripple threat match between Uranus, Pure Funk, and Bizkit; Bikit vs. Kid Rock for HCW Intercontinental title;and Pure Funk vs. Lizkit. Expect those great matches and much much more at the first Sunday Night Warzone of the year. Results and pics will be up on Monday or Tuesday for the first Sunday Night Warzone. LATA
4-20-00 Hey welcome back and the new HCW season will start in just a few days on Sunday Night May 7th. The main event for that night will blow you away when Big Nasty and Woody Boner go up against the Hardcore Hitman and Death Row in a Tag Team Title Ladder Match! Also a funeral will be put on for the late mascot of the Pimpin' Homo, Fagasaur. It should be in tense so check out the pics section on Tuesaday for some pics of that match and many others!!