Wrestlers and Title Holders Page
Big Nasty=Matthew McGurn Hardcore Hitman=Mike Mulvaney Death Row=Mike Schieber F=Buzz Dunford Butt F=Dan Gilmour Pure Funk=Pat Boland Uranus=Matt Fahey Woody Boner=Den Schlegel
Pimpin' Homo=Mark Blake
Solid Gold=Mike Frentzel
Liquid Silver=Brett Coughlin
Crotch F=Mike Robertson
Pimp of the Nation=Bri Inglut
Crotch F=Buzz Borris
Big D=Billy Dorshiner

Title Holders
World Champion: Big Nasty
Extreme Champion: Big Nasty
Intercontinental Champion: Liquid Silver
Eurapean Champion: Pimpin' Homo
Tag Team Champions: Hardcore Hitman & Death Row